About the location
Garn Lakes Local Nature Reserve used to be an area covered in spoil tips and old colliery workings but following an extensive land reclamation scheme it was officially opened in 1997 as a beautiful area for residents and visitors. It covers 40 hectares, and with lakes and grasslands it provides a diverse habitat and breeding grounds for a wide range of wildlife.
Arrival: 22/05/2022 14:00 – Departure: 22/05/2022 15:30
Coordinates: 51.78219993169324, -3.1117547438614586
Nearest Town / City: Blaenavon
County: Torfaen
Country: Wales
Postcode: NP4 9SF
4G / 5G Signal (O2): great
Restrictions: no-overnight-parking,no-camping
Weather: sunny,calm,cloudy
Radio Activity
Grid Sq: IO81ls
IOTA: EU-005
ITU Zone: 27
CQ Zone: 14
Bands Worked: 20m,15m
Modes Used: ft4
General Conditions: good
Spots from PSKReporter.info

Logbook at QRZ.com

Additional Comments:
USA and Canada in the logbook, that’s a good result!