MW6JUY is a licensed and regulated amateur radio station. This station is operated in accordance with all applicable laws, by-laws, and regulations governing the use of radio communications equipment. Most ham radio stations are based in fixed locations, in private homes, and at club locations. However, MW6JUY is more often than not operating in a portable capacity, which is signified by the ‘/P’ in the MW6JUY/P callsign.
The station’s OFCOM license ID is: AM0002676/2
Ham radio, known more commonly in the UK as Amateur Radio has been around as long as radio has. Indeed you could ague that radio was invented and initially tested my amateur radio enthusiasts. Ham radio stations today span the globe, and are operated by men and woman of all ages and backgrounds. Ham radio operators use dedicated parts of the radio spectrum to experiment with radio equipment, and to communicate with other ham radio stations using a wide range of frequencies and modes.
The MW6JUY/P station is capable of working all modes, AM, FM, Side-band and Digital, and on a range of frequencies from 80m (3.5MHz) to 70cm (430Mhz). Most commonly, but not exclusively, the station is using a digital mode called FT8. on allocated ham bands between 80m (3.5MHz) and 10m (29MHz). This mode uses a computer as well as the radio, and is based on short ‘text message’ type transmissions between two ham radio stations. An FT8 contact is brief, usually less than 2 minutes, and looks something like this:
This is a real contact with a Japanese ham radio station about 6000 miles away. Although a computer is used, and that computer does have an internet connection, this conversation is happening entirely via radio, no computer network, or internet is used to facilitate this direct communication, over a huge distance, which is solar-powered from the back of a van.
When the radio station is live and operating we display red ‘on-air’ signs on the outside of the vehicle. We ask that unless the matter is very urgent that you don’t disturb us if you see these, thank you.
On-board are several UHF / VHF mobile and handheld radios and radio scanners for local communications. The primary radio in the van is an Alinco DX SR9. The radio is capable of up to 100w output power but due to licensing restrictions is never used at greater than 10w.
Sigma Euro-Comm SE-HF 360 Fibre Glass Vertical – The Sigma Euro-Comm Ltd HF360 is an end fed vertical antenna, capable of allowing the user to work 80 meters through to 6 meters using an ATU. The antenna can be pole mounted at ground level or elevated depending on requirements. Mounted it in minutes with two bolts to metalwork fixed to the roof of the van. The design allows flexibility, it is not rigidly fixed to the van, so it can stand up to significant wind without issues.
Please see the Equipment page for more detail about the radio equipment used.